Call for presentation proposals
The Decree 2, 8 of the General Congregation 36 says about Networking: “Collaboration naturally leads to cooperation through networks. New technologies of communication open up forms of organization that facilitate collaboration. They make it possible to mobilize human and material resources in support of mission and to go beyond national borders and the boundaries of Provinces and Regions”.
From the Universal Apostolic Preferences, we learn that “Youth is that stage in life when each person makes the fundamental decisions through which they become part of society, seeking meaning in their lives and ways to make their dreams come true. Walking alongside in the young in these tasks, sharing with them the Good News of Jesus Christ, and discerning with them enables us to show them the way to God that goes by way of solidarity with humanity and building a more just world.”
Presentations should cover one or more of the following topics that serve as thematic priorities: Social Justice, Internationalization of Higher Education and The Value of Working in Networks. In addition, themes identified for the Deusto 2018 Assembly of Jesuit Higher Education Institutions should be considered as well. These are: Civic and Political Leadership Formation, Education of the Marginalized, Environmental and Economic Justice, Inter-Religious Dialogue and Understanding, Leadership in and Ignatian Way of Proceeding, and Peace and Reconciliation. All presenters must be from Jesuit or Jesuit-affiliated institutions from around the world.
Some ideas:
- Presentations on critical global social issues where we are shown examples of collaboration or potential areas where institutions could work together (e.g., migration, refugees, climate change, micro lending, etc.)
- Presentations on some current critical issues where Jesuit universities could collaborate with governments, NGOs, etc. (ex. education of refugees, health crises, violence, border conflicts, gangs, trafficking, etc.)
- Examples of collaborative educational opportunities with NGOs in an international or global setting.
- Presentations by Jesuit organizations (e.g., Fe y Alegria, JRS, Ignatian Solidarity, etc.) regarding opportunities for collaboration with Jesuit universities in working with global issues.
- Examples of potential ways we can work together in partnerships in areas such as dual/joint degrees (new trends), study abroad sites, immersions, student exchanges, faculty/staff opportunities, etc. Presentations to emphasize "lessons learned".
- Using research and data to guide our work.
Proposals should be submitted online at Puebla 2019 Program Proposals. Proposals will include the following information:
- Name and contact information of presenter(s)
- Position title(s)
- Description of the program (maximum 2500 characters)
- Which topic areas your presentation will address
- List of learning objectives that will be shared with participants
- Audiovisual needs
- Additionally, speakers will be asked to email a bio sketch or professional résumé that will be part of the program website.
Proposals are due 30 September 2019