Rúbricas 16

Rúbricas XV Humanidades digitales 45 Abstract New technologies and digital communication have an impact on current culture in the way we interact, in our behaviors, in our perceptions and even in our sensitivity. Since the emergence of Web 2.0 itwas believed that any Internet user had the opportunity to be informed, to express themselves or to take sides with events, not only at the local level but also in the global village. The individual, with the power of the digital world in their hands, could experience limitless freedom. However, just as he goes out into the world through new media and expresses himself there, he is also seen by those who seek to dominate this recent universe that, like physical space, is constantly expanding. Thus, our fingerprint is rawmaterial for those who look closely at us in our most daily acts or closest affections. We are observed by reading patterns, political or religious affiliations; family or friendship relationships that we carelessly display on social networks, not to mention our shopping habits. It is in this field of forces that the exercise of freedombecomes illusory, paradoxical. In this essay, conditions are presented, both technological and economic, which, following the philosopher Byung-Chul Han, have led to substantial changes in the culture and digital communication of today’s world. Based on the state of the art, we reflect on the role of the humanities as catalysts for freedom. Likewise, this notion displayed in cyberspace is problematized in the face of the effects of power. | Keywords: Psychopower, digital communication, new technologies, big data, www2.0, www 3.0, industry 4.0. Claudia Elizabeth Vázquez Catrip Licenciada enLiteratura y Filosofía por laUniversidad Iberoamericana Puebla (2019), actualmente estudia la Maestría en Literatura Aplicada en la Ibero. Interesada en el tema de Filosofía para Niños, campo en el que desarrolló su trabajo “Filosofar con niños” para la obtención de grado. Ha colaborado en la revista Rúbricas con el artículo “Eros, ¿incomprendido?” (2017). En el presente trabaja en literatura para adolescentes y participa con la Gerencia del Centro Histórico de Puebla en la recuperación del patrimonio de la ciudad con la creación de crónicas de sus habitantes. Asimismo, cuenta con formación y experiencia en Ciencias e Ingenierías: licenciada en Ingeniería Industrial y maestra en Ingeniería de Calidad.