Rúbricas 16

Rúbricas XV Humanidades digitales 27 Abstract In this article, we succinctly describe the two different ways in which humans capture our world: the first description is themode of capture through our body and the encounter with the world of life. The second description is a mode of capture that is mediated by digital technology. This last way of capturing that is done through electronic devices, makes us believe that we can have control of our affections and the reality that we perceive. However, it is a deception to feel that we can govern our affections when faced with the world. The danger inwhichwe find ourselves, when capturing the world through electronic devices, it is to reduce our life to its categories. Technological logic is a derivation of Cartesian thought, which has tried to subject our lives to a clockwork mechanism. Our life is directed to the cultivation of a simulation of experience to which the digital network programs us. In this sense, in order to strengthen our reflections and to be able to elucidate plausible horizons to humanize ourselves, we need an encounter with life, leaving aside the means of digital technology capture that gives us security in the face of what is happening. It is necessary to allow ourselves to be impacted by the world, to feel its vastness, that it tears us corporally, and let ourselves be led by its tyranny. Only in this way can we allow ourselves to be guided by our creativity and think of ourselves in a different way. | Keywords: virtual-real world, technology digital, creativity. Manuel Antonio Silva de la Rosa Maestro en Filosofía y Ciencias Sociales por el iteso. En la actualidad es profesor en el Departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, de las siguientes asignaturas: Antropología Filosófica, Seminario de Filosofía Contemporánea, Filosofía de la Cultura y Corrientes filosóficas de la educación. Además, es coordinador del Programa Universitario Ignaciano. Actualmente está cursandouna especialidadenMemoriasColectivas, Resistencias yDerechosHumanos en clacso. manuelantonio.silva@iberopuebla.mx